Πέμπτη 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Απίστευτη διάσωση ηλικιωμένου ζευγαριού από το αγαπημένο τους λυκόσκυλο!

Υπάρχουν πολλές ιστορίες σκύλων που κάνουν ηρωικές πράξεις, που σώζουν τους κηδεμόνες τους από φωτιά, από άγρια ζώα ή από άλλους κινδύνους. Αλλά η διάσωση των Eva και Norman Fertig  από το λυκόσκυλό τους, την Shana, μια φθινοπωρινή νύχτα, σίγουρα ξεχωρίζει και χαρακτηρίζεται ως μια από τις πιο ηρωικές και αξιόλογες πράξεις που έχει κάνει ποτέ σκύλος για τον κηδεμόνα του.

Πίσω στο 2006, οι Fertigs  81 ετών και οι δύο, ετοιμάζονταν να κάνουν την συνηθισμένη τους βραδινή βόλτα μέσα στο καταφύγιο ζώων που είχαν μέσα στο δάσος Alden της Νέας Υόρκης, για να φροντίσουν τα τραυματισμένα ζώα που φιλοξενούσαν. Τότε ξαφνικά ξέσπασε μια τρομερή καταιγίδα. Κόπηκε το ρεύμα από το πτηνοτροφείο, και η Eva κατάλαβε πως κάτι δεν πάει καλά και βγήκε έξω να δει τι συμβαίνει. Δέντρα έπεφταν κάτω από τον αέρα, και πυκνό χιόνι άρχισε να πέφτει. Το ζευγάρι δεν ήταν προετοιμασμένο για τέτοιες καιρικές συνθήκες, ούτε φορούσε ζεστά ρούχα, καθώς μέχρι πριν λίγες ώρες η μέρα ήταν στεγνή και ζεστή. Εκτεθειμένοι στο τσουχτερό κρύο, αγκαλιάστηκαν για να ζεσταθούν. Τα δέντρα συνέχιζαν να πέφτουν γύρω τους και η Eva σκέφτηκε: "Σίγουρα δεν ήμασταν προετοιμασμένοι για κάτι τέτοιο. Είμαστε παγιδευμένοι, απολύτως παγιδευμένοι".

Οι Fertigs κρύφτηκαν σε ένα στενό δρομάκι ανάμεσα στο νοσοκομείο του καταφυγίου τους και στο πτηνοτροφείο, και τα δέντρα άρχισαν να πέφτουν από πάνω τους. Το ζευγάρι δεν μπορούσε να σκαρφαλώσει πάνω από τα πεσμένα δέντρα για να φύγει από εκεί, και η διαδρομή προς το σπίτι τους είχε σχεδόν αποκλειστεί. "Norman, δεν γίνεται να μείνουμε εδώ, θα πεθάνουμε" είπε η Eva στον σύζυγό της. Ευτυχώς είχαν την Shana μαζί τους.

Την Shana την είχαν σώσει από ένα puppy mill, όταν ήταν μόλις 2 μηνών και άρρωστη. Από τότε η Shana είχε περάσει 7 ευτηχισμένα χρόνια με τους Fertigs, και τώρα αυτή θα ήταν ο διασώστης τους. Η Shana άρχισε να σκάβει ένα τούνελ με τα δόντια και τα νύχια της, μέσα στο χιόνι που είχε καλύψει τα πεσμένα δέντρα. Μετά από 2 ώρες είχε καταφέρει να σκάψει μια σήραγγα μήκους 6 μέτρων, που τους οδηγούσε προς το σπίτι.

Η Shana μόλις τελείωσε το σκάψιμο επέστρεψε στο ζευγάρι και άρχισε να τους γαυγίζει για να την ακολουθήσουν. Στην αρχή ο Norman ήταν απρόθυμος. 
"Αρκετά πέρασα στα χαρακώματα στην Οκινάουα" είπε, αναφερόμενος στην θητεία του στον Β' Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο.
"Norman, αν δεν με ακολουθήσεις, θα πάρω διαζύγιο!" του είπε η Eva, και μετά από 62 χρόνια γάμου, αυτή η κουβέντα ήταν αρκετή για να τραβήξει την προσοχή του Norman.
"Ενα διαζύγιο θα ήταν σκάνδαλο στην οικογένεια μας!"
"Ολη μας η οικογένεια είναι νεκρή Norman!" του φώναξε η Eva, και τον έσπρωξε προς το μέρος της. 

Η Shana άρπαξε το μανίκι της Eva, και εκείνη την αγκάλιασε από τον λαιμό. Ο Norman πιάστηκε από τα πόδια της Eva, και έτσι η Shana κατάφερε σιγά σιγά να σύρει και τους δύο μέσα στην αυτοσχέδια σήραγγα που είχε μόνη της σκάψει. Στο τέλος της σήραγγας έφτασαν σε ένα άνοιγμα του φράχτη που ήταν κοντά στο σπίτι τους. Ηταν μια αρκετά μεγάλη απόσταση και η ώρα ήταν ήδη 2 τα ξημερώματα. Η Shana τραβώντας το ζευγάρι από τα χέρια και τα ρούχα, κατάφερε να τους σύρει μέχρι την πίσω πόρτα του σπιτιού.  Η πόρτα ήταν μισάνοιχτη, και το ζευγάρι κατάφερε να μπει μέσα στο σπίτι. Ξάπλωσαν στο πάτωμα μπροστά στην πόρτα, και έμειναν εκεί ξαπλωμένοι όλο το βράδυ.
Μιας και στο σπίτι είχε κοπεί το ρεύμα και δεν υπήρχε θέρμανση, η  Shana ξάπλωσε πάνω από το ζευγάρι και τους κράτησε ζεστούς για όλο το βράδυ, μέχρι το επόμενο πρωί όπου έφτασε η πυροσβεστική.

"Ηταν η πιο ηρωική πράξη που έχω δει ποτέ μου!" είπε η Eva. "Αυτή μας κράτησε ζωντανούς, πραγματικά!" 

Αργότερα η Shana έλαβε από την τοπική υπηρεσία της Πυροσβεστικής, ένα πυροσβεστικό κράνος ως μετάλλιο για την ανδρεία της, ένα μετάλλιο που μέχρι τότε είχε δωθεί μόνο σε ανθρώπους! 

πηγή: dogheirs.com
There are plenty of stories of dogs performing acts of heroism, saving their guardians from house fires, wild animals and other dangers. But the story of Shana, a wolf and German Shepherd mix and her rescue of Eve and Norman Fertig one fall night, stands out as one of the most remarkable acts of loyalty and heroic bravery of a dog, ever.
Back in 2006, the Fertigs, both 81 years old, were tending to the injured animals in their forested animal sanctuary in Alden, New York as part of their nightly routine when a massive storm hit suddenly. The power went out in their aviary and Eve realized something was wrong. They went outside to see what was happening and saw trees toppling and heavy snow falling. The couple was unprepared for the elements as neither had warm clothes on since it had just been a clear, crisp fall day just a few hours ago. Exposed to the freezing cold, they hugged each other for warmth as temperatures dropped rapidly and trees continued to fall around them. Said Eve, "I wasn't prepared for this … I thought, 'we're trapped, we're absolutely trapped,'" Eve said.
Shana and the FertigsThe Fertigs huddled in a narrow alley between their hospital building and the aviary, where they were sheltered from falling trees. But they couldn't climb over the trees without injuring themselves, and the path to their home was blocked by the collapsed trees. She turned to her husband and said, 'Norman, we can't stay here, we'll die." Luckily they had Shana with them.
Shana was Eve and Norman’s rescue from a puppy mill. They got her when she was only two-weeks-old and sick. That had been seven years earlier, and now the 160-pound dog would be their savior. Shana began digging a path in the snow with her teeth and claws underneath the fallen trees. After two hours, she had dug a 1-foot-wide tunnel 20 feet back to their home.
Shana then came back and barked at them to follow her. At first Norm was reluctant: "I had enough in Okinawa in a foxhole," referring to his service in World War II.  Eve retorted "'Norman, if you do not follow me, I will get a divorce,'" Married for 62 years the words caught Norm’s attention. "That did it. He said, 'a divorce? That would scandal our family.' I said, 'all of our family is dead, Norman!'"
Shana the heroic dogShana grabbed the sleeve of Eve’s jacket and Eve grabbed hold of her, climbing onto her back and holding onto her neck. Norman grabbed Eve's legs, and the dog pulled the two of them through her makeshift tunnel, under the trees to an opening in the fence near their home. They arrived at the fence around 2 a.m. in the morning "It was quite a distance," Eve said. "We get out and she pulls us out. We got on the back deck, got the back door open and we fell inside. And we laid there all night." As their home had no electricity and no heat, Shana lay ontop of them, heating them like a portable furnace until the following morning when the local fire department arrived.
"It was the most heroic thing I've ever seen in my life," Eve said. "She kept us alive. She really did," Eve said.
Shana later received a fire helmet from the local fire department and the Humane Animal Treatment's Hero's Award for Bravery, an award given to humans.

Read more at http://www.dogheirs.com/larne/posts/445-incredible-rescue-of-elderly-couple-by-heroic-wolf-dog#uqs2XAxBB5FF7qlm.99
There are plenty of stories of dogs performing acts of heroism, saving their guardians from house fires, wild animals and other dangers. But the story of Shana, a wolf and German Shepherd mix and her rescue of Eve and Norman Fertig one fall night, stands out as one of the most remarkable acts of loyalty and heroic bravery of a dog, ever.
Back in 2006, the Fertigs, both 81 years old, were tending to the injured animals in their forested animal sanctuary in Alden, New York as part of their nightly routine when a massive storm hit suddenly. The power went out in their aviary and Eve realized something was wrong. They went outside to see what was happening and saw trees toppling and heavy snow falling. The couple was unprepared for the elements as neither had warm clothes on since it had just been a clear, crisp fall day just a few hours ago. Exposed to the freezing cold, they hugged each other for warmth as temperatures dropped rapidly and trees continued to fall around them. Said Eve, "I wasn't prepared for this … I thought, 'we're trapped, we're absolutely trapped,'" Eve said.
Shana and the FertigsThe Fertigs huddled in a narrow alley between their hospital building and the aviary, where they were sheltered from falling trees. But they couldn't climb over the trees without injuring themselves, and the path to their home was blocked by the collapsed trees. She turned to her husband and said, 'Norman, we can't stay here, we'll die." Luckily they had Shana with them.
Shana was Eve and Norman’s rescue from a puppy mill. They got her when she was only two-weeks-old and sick. That had been seven years earlier, and now the 160-pound dog would be their savior. Shana began digging a path in the snow with her teeth and claws underneath the fallen trees. After two hours, she had dug a 1-foot-wide tunnel 20 feet back to their home.
Shana then came back and barked at them to follow her. At first Norm was reluctant: "I had enough in Okinawa in a foxhole," referring to his service in World War II.  Eve retorted "'Norman, if you do not follow me, I will get a divorce,'" Married for 62 years the words caught Norm’s attention. "That did it. He said, 'a divorce? That would scandal our family.' I said, 'all of our family is dead, Norman!'"
Shana the heroic dogShana grabbed the sleeve of Eve’s jacket and Eve grabbed hold of her, climbing onto her back and holding onto her neck. Norman grabbed Eve's legs, and the dog pulled the two of them through her makeshift tunnel, under the trees to an opening in the fence near their home. They arrived at the fence around 2 a.m. in the morning "It was quite a distance," Eve said. "We get out and she pulls us out. We got on the back deck, got the back door open and we fell inside. And we laid there all night." As their home had no electricity and no heat, Shana lay ontop of them, heating them like a portable furnace until the following morning when the local fire department arrived.
"It was the most heroic thing I've ever seen in my life," Eve said. "She kept us alive. She really did," Eve said.
Shana later received a fire helmet from the local fire department and the Humane Animal Treatment's Hero's Award for Bravery, an award given to humans.

Read more at http://www.dogheirs.com/larne/posts/445-incredible-rescue-of-elderly-couple-by-heroic-wolf-dog#uqs2XAxBB5FF7qlm.99
There are plenty of stories of dogs performing acts of heroism, saving their guardians from house fires, wild animals and other dangers. But the story of Shana, a wolf and German Shepherd mix and her rescue of Eve and Norman Fertig one fall night, stands out as one of the most remarkable acts of loyalty and heroic bravery of a dog, ever.
Back in 2006, the Fertigs, both 81 years old, were tending to the injured animals in their forested animal sanctuary in Alden, New York as part of their nightly routine when a massive storm hit suddenly. The power went out in their aviary and Eve realized something was wrong. They went outside to see what was happening and saw trees toppling and heavy snow falling. The couple was unprepared for the elements as neither had warm clothes on since it had just been a clear, crisp fall day just a few hours ago. Exposed to the freezing cold, they hugged each other for warmth as temperatures dropped rapidly and trees continued to fall around them. Said Eve, "I wasn't prepared for this … I thought, 'we're trapped, we're absolutely trapped,'" Eve said.
Shana and the FertigsThe Fertigs huddled in a narrow alley between their hospital building and the aviary, where they were sheltered from falling trees. But they couldn't climb over the trees without injuring themselves, and the path to their home was blocked by the collapsed trees. She turned to her husband and said, 'Norman, we can't stay here, we'll die." Luckily they had Shana with them.
Shana was Eve and Norman’s rescue from a puppy mill. They got her when she was only two-weeks-old and sick. That had been seven years earlier, and now the 160-pound dog would be their savior. Shana began digging a path in the snow with her teeth and claws underneath the fallen trees. After two hours, she had dug a 1-foot-wide tunnel 20 feet back to their home.
Shana then came back and barked at them to follow her. At first Norm was reluctant: "I had enough in Okinawa in a foxhole," referring to his service in World War II.  Eve retorted "'Norman, if you do not follow me, I will get a divorce,'" Married for 62 years the words caught Norm’s attention. "That did it. He said, 'a divorce? That would scandal our family.' I said, 'all of our family is dead, Norman!'"
Shana the heroic dogShana grabbed the sleeve of Eve’s jacket and Eve grabbed hold of her, climbing onto her back and holding onto her neck. Norman grabbed Eve's legs, and the dog pulled the two of them through her makeshift tunnel, under the trees to an opening in the fence near their home. They arrived at the fence around 2 a.m. in the morning "It was quite a distance," Eve said. "We get out and she pulls us out. We got on the back deck, got the back door open and we fell inside. And we laid there all night." As their home had no electricity and no heat, Shana lay ontop of them, heating them like a portable furnace until the following morning when the local fire department arrived.
"It was the most heroic thing I've ever seen in my life," Eve said. "She kept us alive. She really did," Eve said.
Shana later received a fire helmet from the local fire department and the Humane Animal Treatment's Hero's Award for Bravery, an award given to humans.

Read more at http://www.dogheirs.com/larne/posts/445-incredible-rescue-of-elderly-couple-by-heroic-wolf-dog#uqs2XAxBB5FF7qlm.99

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