Παρασκευή 10 Μαΐου 2013

Η Bella (σκύλος) θρηνεί για τον θάνατο του φίλου της Beavis (κάστορας)!

Η Bella κλαίει δίπλα στον φίλο της τον Beavis τον κάστορα! Ξαπλώνει δίπλα του και περιμένει τον φίλο της να ξυπνήσει!                                                 
Η Bella και ο Beavis ήταν φίλοι για αρκετό καιρό. Από όσα λέει ο ιδιοκτήτης της Bella, τα φιλαράκια μοιραζόντουσαν την ίδια αυλή, έπαιζαν μπάλα μαζί, έτρωγαν μαζί. 
"Έζησαν μαζί και αγάπησαν ο ένας τον άλλο για αρκετό καιρό. Σήμερα το πρωί ο Beavis πέθανε και η Bella θρηνεί τον φίλο της για ώρες!"

Ενα ακόμα παράδειγμα που αποδεικνύει πόσο έντονα συναισθήματα αναπτύσσουν τα σκυλιά, πόσο δυνατές φιλίες δημιουργούν και πόσο πιστά είναι στους φίλους και αγαπημένους τους!

Bella cries next to her beaver friend, Beavis. She lays by his side and waiting for her friend to wake up. The pair were companions for "quite a while", before the beaver passed away. Apparently, the pair played ball together, shared living quarters, ate together. YouTube user Jack BDead wrote, "They lived and loved together for quite a while. Beavis died this morning, and Bella has been in mourning for hours." - See more at: http://www.dogheirs.com/misst/posts/3211-sad-dog-mourns-passing-of-her-beaver-friend-video#sthash.p5bZwmhH.dpuf
Bella cries next to her beaver friend, Beavis. She lays by his side and waiting for her friend to wake up. The pair were companions for "quite a while", before the beaver passed away. Apparently, the pair played ball together, shared living quarters, ate together. YouTube user Jack BDead wrote, "They lived and loved together for quite a while. Beavis died this morning, and Bella has been in mourning for hours." - See more at: http://www.dogheirs.com/misst/posts/3211-sad-dog-mourns-passing-of-her-beaver-friend-video#sthash.p5bZwmhH.dpuf
Bella cries next to her beaver friend, Beavis. She lays by his side and waiting for her friend to wake up. The pair were companions for "quite a while", before the beaver passed away. Apparently, the pair played ball together, shared living quarters, ate together. YouTube user Jack BDead wrote, "They lived and loved together for quite a while. Beavis died this morning, and Bella has been in mourning for hours." - See more at: http://www.dogheirs.com/misst/posts/3211-sad-dog-mourns-passing-of-her-beaver-friend-video#sthash.p5bZwmhH.dpuf

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